Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kingdom Authority

God has placed some awesome people in my ministry. I will share that if you are going to do significant things for God, you will have to cut ties with things, places and people. Bishop Jakes once said “sometimes you will need to change your circle of people”. This is a very profound and true statement. It’s not meant to demean anyone but there are times when people can only help you within the parameters of their ability. Success is not measured within a materialistic view, you can have all the degrees, money and fame but those "things" cannot buy you peace, happiness and joy.

The word of God teaches us to “seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness and everything will be added unto you”. This is a promise from God that when you put Him first in everything you do, he will add to you. This is a powerful guarantee to walk into your destiny and purpose. When is the last time you used your Kingdom Authority? I mean really walked into your situation, circumstance or issue and called the enemy out. Until you begin to understand the precepts of God and execute your authority over your life, you will always be where you are in life.

Once again, I challenge you to get up from where you are in life because you have so much to do and little time to do it. But remember you can do “all things in Christ” who will strengthen you. Claim your victory over your sickness, finances, family, job, etc. and begin to see the power of God work in your life!

Kneeling In Order To Stand,
Ron D. Willis

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