Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celebration Time!

Can you say O-V-E-R-F-L-O-W? This is how I am feeling right about now, within a few days of celebrating our 2nd Year Church Anniversary, there is a strong anointing that is fresh, powerful and emerging in VCC. As I look back over the past year, I am reminded of how God has worked in this ministry. What is awesome to me is the fact that every time VCC encountered an attack, there is a group who I call my “Spiritual Fighters” (military term) who would prepare for combat and intercede for this ministry. They would sacrifice themselves for the movement of the Kingdom and endure all kinds of bruises, scars, and even amputation to advance the work of VCC. I am so grateful to God for them and I constantly petition God to give them the desires of their heart and pour blessings on them they will not have room enough to receive. It’s amazing this Sunday VCC will have served the community for 2 years… time has gone by so fast but I wouldn’t trade it for the world! When God gives me something I take it very seriously… VCC is my life and I will always be passionate about this church. Have I made some mistakes in ministry? I surely have but I am always reminded of John Maxwell’s book, “Failing Forward”. You have to have the courage to get out of the boat and believe you can walk on water with God. We are preparing to enter into a realm of ministry that has never been seen or never been done. God will use VCC to become the catalyst of stepping outside of the box and becoming a church that will advance the Kingdom of God !

Kneeling In Order To Stand,

Pastor R. Dewayne Willis

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, an O-V-E-R-F-L-O-W is what we are going to experience in the months to come. I believe it!

    Congratulations to VCC on its two years anniversary!
